Freesia - 7 Kinds Of Guys You Shouldn't Be In a Relationship With

7 Kinds Of Guys You Shouldn't Be In a Relationship With
<p> authentication failure [SMTP: Invalid response code received from server (code: 535, response: Incorrect authentication data)]</p>7 Kinds Of Guys You Shouldn't Be In a Relationship With

By: Freesia Staff Tue, 06 Mar 2018 16:33:27

Settling is simply not an option, even if it means you will be single for a while. What's important is figuring out what you want and refusing to settle for anything less than you deserve. There are common things that are proven not to be good qualities in the man you should be with or marry, so here is what you should try to avoid. 

1. The Child

This is the guy who doesn't understand responsibility or how to take care of anyone other than himself. He is co-dependent and doesn't know how to take care of his own neds let alone be responsible of his partner's. You should avoid being with this guy because you will always have the burden of taking care and fulfilling his every need, and you won't have someone to take care of you.

2. The Narcissist 

This guy is only interested in himself. He will never stop talking about himself or his accomplishments. He won't be interested in listening to your stories and when he does listen, he will interupt you a lot. He will hijack your emotions, and turn tables in your fights and never admit he's wrong. You should avoid being with this guy because he will never make you feel worthy.

3. The Mysterious

This guy will never be fully honest with you about who he really is, he will never open up to you. You will always feel like the only one who shares everything, and always wonder about his past and present. You should avoid being with this guy because you will always feel like you're in a one-sided relationship, and you will never really know who he is.

4. The Opposite

This guy will always argue about every little thing. You will never find common ground with him. If you're too different, it's a recipe for disaster. If you can't have at least a few things to agree on, or share together, you will eventually grow weary of the relationship. You should avoid being with this guy because eventually, the little arguments won't be cute anymore, and one of you will end up getting bored.

5. The Too Restrictive

This is the guy who will make your feel caged; he will take your freedom and forbid you from doing anything that you enjoy. He will have the upper hand in every decision you make, no matter how small it is. He won't let you do anything you want, and without a valid reason or no reason whatsoever. You should avoid being with this guy because you will always feel so little next to him. He will mold you into another person, one he deems to be acceptable to him.

6. The Jealous Type

This guy will be jealous of your every move. He won't let you wear that dress to a party, he won't let you speak to other guys, and he won't let you go out without him, just like the past guy we discussed. He will be jealous of his shadow, he won't give you your freedom and he will limit your every move. You should avoid being with this guy because he will always make you feel guilty of what you're doing. He will always be jealous.

7. The Player

Saving the best for last. This guy doesn't know who he is outside of a relationship. You will never trust him to be totally commited to you. You will always have doubts about who he's talking with, who he's going out with, and you'll never feel totally secure. You should avoid being with that guy because you will always feel cheated on, and you won't ever feel like the only one in his life.

Those little flaws only get worse over time. When you start doubting yourself, or the relationship itself, you should run. Getting to know the person you're going to marry really well is so important, because people eventually reveal their true colors. Love yourself enough and choose to be with someone worthy of you.

Hana Fares


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