To be a single mother is very hard, you face a lot of
troubles and challenges and you have to be the father and the mother in the
same time. I know that is not easy, but you can do it you are a strong woman.
First, you have to feel good about yourself Whatever the reason why you are a single mother, you have to
be satisfied and to know that you are a strong woman who can stand-alone.
Second, be a superwoman in your children's eye
Let them know that you are capable of doing anything they want,
make them believe you can make all their dreams. Then they will feel
that you and only you is enough for them.
Third, be your son’s best friend Let him know your secrets and do not scare him in order to tell you
his ones, he need to know that he is the most important thing in your life, so be
there in his activities and concerts. Show him everyday how much you love him.
Finally, take some time for yourself You need time to relax, you can do whatever you want to feel better.
By following these steps you will fill the gap of father’s Lack ofpresence in your son’s life and you will live a happy life with him.